8 Week Mobility Program

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Online & Self-Paced Fitness Program

8 Week Mobility Program For Beginners to Advance

This is an online program.
I am available for 1:1 Mobility PT Sessions Monday – Saturday

Embarking on my 8-week flexibility course offers a unique and personalised journey to enhance your flexibility. The course structure, with sessions three days per week, accommodates your schedule, allowing you to progress at your own pace. Unlike generic online courses, our program is tailored to meet your specific flexibility needs. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking advanced flexibility, each session is designed to address your unique strengths and challenges, ensuring a customised experience.

One standout feature of this course is our interactive platform that revolutionises the learning process. You have the opportunity to submit videos of your flexibility sessions, providing a direct window into your progress. This enables me to offer precise and constructive feedback, guiding you towards optimal form and effectiveness. This personalised feedback loop sets our flexibility course apart, ensuring that your journey is not only flexible in terms of schedule but also in its responsiveness to your individual growth.

What You’ll Learn:

– Joint Assessment
– Dynamic Warm-Up Routines
– Functional Movement Patterns
– Stability Training
– Progressive Exercises
– Body Awareness and Mindful Movement
– Balance and Coordination
– Pain Management Techniques

Molly Toner
Yoga, Meditation, Mobility

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