Yoga & Meditation

Private Lessons | Group Classes

Practise Yoga & Meditation With Me

Available In Person and Online
Monday – Saturday

Embarking on a 1:1 yoga and meditation journey with me ensures a highly personalized and tailored experience. Through individual sessions, I can deeply understand your unique needs, both physically and mentally, allowing me to craft sessions that specifically address your goals and challenges. This personalised approach fosters a more profound connection between the practices of yoga and meditation and your individual well-being.

In a private setting, you’ll benefit from my undivided attention and guidance, enabling a deeper exploration of poses, breathwork, and meditation techniques. This focused attention ensures proper alignment, progress at your own pace, and the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification in real-time. The personalised nature of 1:1 sessions allows us to adapt practices to your comfort level, making the experience more enjoyable and effective.

Moreover, individual sessions provide a safe space for introspection and personal growth. As your guide, I facilitate an environment where you can delve into mindfulness, explore inner thoughts, and develop a deeper understanding of your mind-body connection. The privacy of these sessions encourages open communication, making it easier to address specific concerns, cultivate self-awareness, and tailor the practices to suit your evolving needs on your wellness journey.

What You’ll Learn:

– Proper Alignment and Posture
– Breath Awareness and Control
– Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques
– Progressive Relaxation
– Personalised Modifications

Molly Toner
Yoga, Meditation, Mobility

With a holistic approach to well-being, I guide both group sessions and one-on-one private lessons, ensuring your journey is uniquely tailored to your needs. I believe in the beauty of movement and the power it has to release emotions and build strength.

Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, seek serenity through meditation, or connect to your sensuality through pole dance, I am here to support, inspire, and journey alongside you. Join me, and let’s embark on a transformative path together!

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